Lori’s love letter is one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever been given in all my years as a Personal Trainer. Why is it the best? This heart-felt, genuine, thoughtful letter is really for YOU, with love. I believe this kind of change is possible for everyone.

Read on:

My name is Lorie & I’m 62. Here is why having a Personal Trainer has improved my life!

First, this is a testimonial for my Personal Trainer, Katie Hunt at INVIVO.

It will be full of praise and peppered with observations on how my life has changed since I began to spend two hours each week exercising under Katie’s supervision and with her encouragement.

Expect enthusiasm!

Second, this is my love-letter to all women over 60 who are faced with all the challenges that number delivers!

The OLD me: Facing double knee replacement, injury to my left arm that seemed to never heal, seriously over the acceptable weight for my height ( just a medical fact!) Unable to rise with grace from any seat, and having an impossible time finding the will and courage to start a health-overhaul.

62 and depressed… the old me!

The NEW me: after just a few months working on my strength, flexibility, balance, and humor (all thanks to Katie!) my life has changed! Oh! I wish you could see me!

I’ve lost 18 pounds and am looking forward to that tread continuing! I am so strong!

My balance is great and getting better!

The pain that keep me a near invalid – well that’s changed too.

Katie, as my very professional trainer, never once let me hurt myself in this process.

Poor old knees…but I can now walk my sweet Golden Retriever an hour at a pretty good pace. Sure, my body isn’t a fairy-tail ending with all issues forgotten, oh, but you should have this much fun!

But that’s not why I sending this into the world – to you, my fellow 60 year old pals!

It’s because of the emotional and spiritual boost I experience now – happiness is the new normal.

If you are struggling with any of the “old me issues”, trust me, change is possible.

If you think starting a personal trainer program will embarrass you, humiliate you, or make you feel bad….nope…won’t happen!

I feel so hopeful. I feel so connected to my body and proud of my progress.

I love to exercise now and can’t believe how Katie helped me do this while we laughed each and every hour we worked together!

Dear 60 year old friends – GET A PERSONAL TRAINER!

(You can try for Katie Hunt, but I’m keeping my hours!)
