When was the last time you tried something new?
Why did you do it? What did it feel like? What did you learn? I’ll give you a moment….

Trying new things requires courage and willingness to be uncomfortable; great job for owning these mega-skills!

I believe a joyous, energetic life begins with an ongoing willingness to learn, step out of your comfort zone and face the fear we all have of looking silly.The spirit of trying something new – or even listening to a new idea – helps us all thrive. One of my mom’s favorite quotes is:

If we’re not growing we’re dying.
How’s that for a shot in the gut? I could win an award for how much I love routines, rules and patterns. However, at about 26 years old, I began to feel myself slip into the dark of monotony. Boredom. Unhealthy habits. Anger. Even isolation. Thankfully, I knew I couldn’t stay there – I need BRIGHT! So I started looking at people who seemed happy. Consistently. And what I found surprised me.

Thanks to an awesome spinning instructor, Kathy Shillinglaw, and my ever-inspiring mom, I saw that one of the secrets is to cultivate an ongoing goal to try new things. And that, my friend, is still one of my keys to staying upbeat. It’s a daily spirit refresh. “Get comfortable being uncomfortable” Kathy always says.

In fact, just last weekend, my mom and I went out on a walk and stopped at a swing set to try and get a little upper body workout in! Watch what we did:

I challenge you to workout like my mom get out there today and try something new.

Do something you’re afraid of.

Have that conversation you’ve been avoiding.

Sign up for the trip you’ve been dreaming about.

Listen to the person at work you disagree with.

Take the fitness class that looks intimidating.

Cheers to your day and opening a new door of opportunity.


P.S. Want a 5 Day boost to try new things and get more energy? Join the club! For real, join the ENERGIZE in 5 Facebook Challenge club! Next five day challenge starts April 1st! Link here and I’ll approve you asap!