It’s more important now, than ever, to join groups with like minded people. Have you noticed that levels of anger, negativity are rising while our listening skills seem to be dwindling? The more time we spend staring at screens, the wider the disconnect becomes.

But what if we could also use those screens to boost our energy and create new connections? If we’re already using social media multiple times a day, why not make one of those check-ins beneficial to your health?!

ENERGIZE in 5, an online facebook challenge group, just opened for exactly this reason! We’ll join forces at the beginning of the month with a five day jumpstart featuring quick workouts and a daily dare. Connecting like-minded awesome people is the love of my life!

Not convinced? Check out my top four reasons to join a group:
1) Deep and Strong Connections with Like-minded People
The journey to health can be tough and sometimes lonely! When we share our goals, accomplishments, aspirations and struggles in a safe group setting some of the pressure is lifted.

2) To Challenge Yourself and Up Your Game
Working with others ups our game and helps us reach our fullest potential. Our lives are full and it is easy to get side tracked. In groups, we will stretch beyond boundaries, be more consistent and learn new skills from one another.

3) The Joy of Giving
There is nothing more satisfying than helping others. By joining a group, you suddenly have multiple options to help others achieve their goals, generate new ideas and share insight into overcoming problems. With an online Facebook group, even something as simple as a like is a gift of support!

4) Accountability
Who holds you to your fitness goals on a daily basis? For most of us, that burden lies on ourselves. Knowing your team is always watching and full of support can make all the difference. Discipline is the key to meeting any fitness goal and it’s much easier to stay the course when you see your team focusing and staying on track!

If you’re ready to ENERGIZE in 5 at the beginning of every month, click here to sign up for my email list! I’ll get you in the group!
