Hi there friend,

First, let’s take a collective deep breath to begin our turn around. Some days are hard. Downright brutal, in fact. I try to keep myself in check with gratitude lists, a positive mindset and endless brain training but sometimes that’s not enough. I need action. Help. I need to know I’m not alone in the yuck and that everything will be ok. This is a glimpse of my action list for a bad day:


1) Aromatherapy Bath
I love Dr. Teal’s Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution with Lavender. It’s inexpensive, it smells lovely, it has three ingredients, it’s easy to find (Target, Pick N’ Save, Wallgreens) and it’s made in the USA. When was the last time you soaked in the tub? Try a total time-out and let the epsom salt do it’s exfoliating and feel-good magic. While the jury’s still out on how much epsom salt helps, I’m a believer in it’s power to reduce muscle soreness and aches.

2) Buy yourself flowers or a plant!
Nature nurtures. Stop and smell the roses. When did looking at a pretty flower ever make you feel bad?

3) Watch this video – Instructions for a Bad Day
There’s nothing I need to add to this profound spoken word poem and video. Just watch, with some Kleenex and/or someone you love close by.

4) Try my special workout!
Giving yourself a hug is a real thing and the simple act of moving creates a chance to shake the funk. Shake. The. Funk! Workout for When You’re Feeling Sad

5) Phone a friend.
I’ve wasted a lot of time hiding the bad days from the people who love me. A dear, dear friend of mine once said to me, “If that’s what you do with us, how do you expect us to trust that we can call YOU when we’re down?” This question shook my soul. OF COURSE I want to help my friends and console or listen when they’re down. All relationships are a two way street and hiding your sad only creates distance. Giving and receiving help are where it’s at, boo!

6) Write it out.
The benefits of journalling are endless. Always write from your heart and write for no one but you. There is a magic release that can come from venting everything out on paper. You can even burn it after! BOOM.

7) Hug it out!
Seriously, hugs are a necessary part of life and are proven to be just as, if not MORE, beneficial to adults as children. For the days you don’t want to sort stuff out with words, go in for the hug and hang out in that hug for a while! Our arms are made to embrace.

8) Go outside!
Just yesterday, I walked around with a friend exploring in the middle of a snow storm. The silence of snow, the glow of the white, the footprints we created and the pure wonder of nature made a simple day magical. I highly recommend playing in the rain, jumping in the leaves and lying in the sun staring at the rolling clouds whenever possible.

9) Mail a thank you card.
Think about the last time you received a hand-written card. Are some warm fuzzy feelings creeping in? Give that feeling to someone. In fact the more simple the thank you, the better. Let it border being mundane! Thank someone who probably never gets thanked; think of your favorite barista, server, the person at the toll booth, grocery checker, the principal of your school, the CEO of your favorite company, the crew that plows snow, the mail carrier… What could your note of thanks shift in the life of that person?

10) Take a single action.
Read one page, complete one push-up, write down one thing you’re grateful for – even your coffee counts, take one deep breath, do one yoga pose, throw away one thing you don’t need, donate one shirt, smile at one stranger, say one prayer, pick up one room, make your bed, give yourself one pat on the back, smile one fake smile, wiggle one toe, spin in one circle, drink one glass of water… If nothing else, return to this last one.

Keep moving, my friend. While a sea of bad days is nothing to mess with and I highly recommend professional help sooner than later, I hope this list gives you a teeny spark today. It’s that spark that will rekindle your fire and I’ll be over here looking for the glow!
