Get the support you crave for the holidays at this special Saturday, Holiday Helpers edition of Fit&Flow.
Yoga Therapist and Instructor, Biz Casmer, and Certified Personal Trainer, Katie Hunt, can’t wait to help you create your ultimate workout practice.
The details:
In-Person registration is now closed.
Saturday, 11/19/2022
10-11:15AM CST live via Zoom
37 minutes of circuit training with Katie & 37 minutes of yoga with Biz
Equipment: mat, towel, water, two dumbbells OR two soup cans. Yoga props helpful, but not required.
ALL LEVELS welcome!
You’ll receive a private link to the recording of this class so you can do it again!
Step-by-step Zoom set up instructions will be sent with registration confirmation for virtual participants.
Step-by-step in-person gym details will be sent with registration confirmation to in-person participants.
In-person equipment: The Gym has mats, yoga blocks and straps available. You’re also welcome to bring your own equipment if you prefer!
In-person COVID policies: We are NOT currently requiring masks for in-person classes. If CDC guidelines for Milwaukee change, so may our mask policy.
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