Would you like to have more energy and shorten your daily to-do checklist? For the past three weeks, I’ve been overwhelmed with ideas, projects and future planning. While it’s SUPER rad how many ideas are pouring in, a quote from bomb-ass Gary Vaynerchuk is resonating with me, “Ideas are shit. Execution’s the game.” Watch the video I’m referring to here.

As I look ahead and layout a fitness future, I’m reminded of a tool an awesome mentor of mine suggested; the TOP THREE PRIORITY CHECKLIST!

It’s as simple as this:
1) Read over your (probably suuuuuper long) to-do list.
2) Take a few deep breaths and circle the items that MUST be done today. Or someone will die.
3) While I’m guessing that last line narrowed down your list, if it’s not down to three yet, select the three items that will move you towards your biggest goals.

My days tend to go the best when I pick my TOP THREE PRIORITY CHECKLIST first thing in the morning. For some, especially my trouble sleepers, it might work better before bed.

The best part about this checklist is that you WILL succeed and many days you’ll conquer more than just those three!

Where does the energy part come in? Accomplishing three things a day that align with your future is kind of a big deal. Doing this on a daily basis will create momentum – it’s like your own private ENERGY generator! It’s way too easy to get sucked into emails and people pulling us every which way. Even if distractions come up, your top three are there to realign you with your BIG goals and keep you focused.

What’s on your Top Three Priority Checklist today?
