Over the past month, I’ve let stress get the best of me. The results of this mini-mess are: weight gain, a foggy brain, restless sleep and irritability. After a session of Restorative Yoga with Rebecca at INVIVO Wellness (my new wellness work home!), a morning of meditation, a healthy superfood breakfast and chatting with friends; I’ve hit the reset button. Here’s the story…

Five weeks ago, I made the tough decision to leave a job I love for an opportunity I feel aligns with my vision for the future and my values. While I feel certain this move is for the best, uncertainty rattled my core in ways I haven’t felt in years. Ultimately, I recognize this is VERY good for me and everyone around me. To quote the response of one of my beloved clients when I shared my career news: “This makes sense, Katie. How can you tell me to change habits to improve the quality of my life if you’re not doing the same thing?” (Thank you Sharon.) BOOM.

After a week of being surrounded and supported by an exceptionally loving team, I am digging in my toolkit to manage the stress of being the new kid and be the best me I can be.

Here are three things that are helping me get off the stress spiral:
#1 A motivational quote!
My friend Elina posted this quote of her Facebook page. People like Elina – thoughtful, smart and motivated to make her life better every day – are people I write about every day in my gratitude journal:
trust quote
This post connected me with the fact that NOTHING is ever certain. Therefor, anything is possible EVERY SINGLE darn DAY! And the only way to see the possibilities is to be present. Presence decreases stress.

#2 Brendon Burchard’s podcast or YouTube video – 4 Steps to Avoiding Overwhelm
It’s ten minutes, people. Give it a go. His summary of the four steps:
1) Start your day organized
2) Transition well (THIS one is something I’ve struggled with for years. I have a terrible time going from one meeting, class or client to the next and always felt guilt in the workplace for asking for time in between when there’s pressure to produce and earn. I can only be great if I know what I need and this is a change I am working into my schedule.)
3) Catch up
4) Be more mindful

#3 Design One Appointment Free Block of Time
Who else is sick and tired of hearing how busy everyone is? Especially when it’s presented like it’s a contest. The busy-contest culture is not sustainable; more on that in an upcoming blog. A few months ago, I began an experiment of having Sundays be a day I never commit to any plans. There is nothing I have to do. No one I have to meet. No place I have to go. No task I have to accomplish. Since then, I stopped showing up on Monday with the same answer to “How was your weekend?” “Busy.” That answer never felt good. While I anticipate grumbles over this one, we both know YOUR LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT. No one else is in charge. No one else is responsible for your happiness. It’s freeing and frightening at the same time, right? While I’m not suggesting a whole day will work for you, is it possible to design an appointment free morning? Two hours on a Tuesday? Give yourself the gift or mind-wandering, restful, stress-free time – even if it’s the next ten minutes! Tomorrow is Sunday and it’s my well preserved reset button!

What are your stress-busters and re-set buttons?

Comment below!
