After much careful thought, I recently quit the Wellness Director role at my gym. While this is a part time role, I also working an average of 30 hours Personal Training per week. Then, my online training business, Fun Seeker Fitness, fills in the rest of my available work hours.

Why would I quit being a manager? I was hiding behind the Wellness Director title. It sounds good. It’s the only part of my work that has a stable income. Past positions had great benefits (rare in fitness…oh, the irony). And I’ve been very fortunate to work with outstanding teams, especially at INVIVO! Management can definitely be rewarding for the right person. For the past two decades of work, I’ve held some sort of manager title: Director, Manager, Leader… and now, for the first time in my life, I will proudly say, “I am a Personal Trainer”. That’s it. It’s what I love and what I do.

From now on, all my energy is being funneled into becoming the best Personal Trainer I can be. I am thrilled to align myself with this title. It is my social obligation and calling to reach people who are afraid of the gym or don’t know how to get on the path to feeling better. I know that pain. I know that fear. I’ve been there and it’s not fun.

Let me share a story that sealed my decision to quit. This past week I had a client tell me that it took her three times coming to the gym I work at before she entered the gym. The first time she made it to the parking lot. On the second try, she went all the way up the elevator and then hit the down button immediately. She made it inside the third time. Hooray!

What she didn’t know is I’ve done the exact same thing. Yes! I understand it! When I decided to join my first gym, I sat in the parking lot for 45 minutes going through the pros and cons before eventually driving away.

I’ll get teased.

I’ll never fit in.

I’m too fat.

I’m out of shape.

Everyone will know what they’re doing except me!

I’m not wearing the right clothes.

I’m too weak.

I sweat too much.

I’ll trip; I’m so clumsy.

What if I can’t keep up in class?

Everyone will notice!

I was hiding behind all those excuses and the title of being ‘out of shape’. People would tell me none of it was true and it makes me cringe that I’ve said the same thing to people. But here’s the thing: having people tell you you’re wrong doesn’t help you get through the gym door!

My Build Your Base program does. It’s transforms mindset. It elevates the muscles. It teaches the lingo. The result of the program is to set a rock solid foundation of fitness that will help you get off the elevator or set you up for a vibrant home workout program if the gym’s not for you.

TEACHING ways to overcome this is the love of my life. I’m going full force and allowing my obsession with mastering the craft of Personal Training be number one. Is it scary? Yep. Is it a risk? Fo’ sho. Is finishing 2017 without giving this a full-fledged GO more scary? Jeezez, HELL YES. I’m done trying to be good at everything.

What about you, my friend?

Does this resonate?

Are you hiding behind something?

Holding on to a title, an image, an income, a habit, an excuse? (for me it was yes, yes, yes and yes)

Is there something you need to quit?

Let’s support one another and create lives that are congruent with who we really are.

