I believe that consistency and kindness are superpowers! My career in the fitness industry has been full of incredible surprises I never dreamed of. As I wrap up a five year stretch at the Milwaukee Athletic Club, I’m quickly realizing the incredible power of consistency and kindness.
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Let’s chat about consistency first. In the five years I’ve been at the MAC, I’ve grown a healthy (see what I did there?) client list, a group of TRX lovers, and built a following in a variety of classes. I won’t tell you it happened quickly or easily. I won’t tell you I’m the smartest on the team. What I will tell you is that first and foremost, I show up. If my energy is low, I show up. If my heart is broken, I show up. If my legs are stiff from running a marathon, I show up. If there’s a foot of snow on the ground, I get my shoveling workout in a 4AM and SHOW UP. If I’m crabby, I show up (makes for a great class). Up all night with anxiety? You guessed it, I show up. Now, I’m not condoning extreme measures (if I have the flu, I’m out. Family emergency? I am out. Car windows smashed? Out.) or saying I’m super woman. But in a world where there is insurmountable uncertainty and commitments are blown off more than they are kept, my challenge to YOU is to show up. I ask this of myself, my clients and my team of instructors. If I made a list of the consistent and the inconsistent people I work with, guess who has the most success, the greatest following and, truly, the most joy? You got it. The ones who show up. Consistently. If I’m asking for regular attendance from my class participants and clients, you better believe I will represent the same thing.
On to kindness! I’m a believer in treating people the way I wish to be treated. My guess is you are too! Wouldn’t it be rad if we smiled and talked to one another more?! If given the choice, would you want the next stranger in your path to keep their eyes locked on the phone or look you in the eye and acknowledge your existence? If you choose acknowledgement, let’s give our best effort today to being an example of this. Look up. Smile. Life isn’t as hard when you recognize the beautiful people around you. My best friends and family will tell you I am moody and have been since my teenage years. Thankfully, exercise and solid sleep dulls the sharpness of my moods, but I still feel it. On my darkest days as an instructor, my mantra is, “treat them all as you wish to be treated.” Have I failed at this? Most definitely. (Sorry Bill.) Did being a brat make me feel better? Nope. Will I work every day to do better? Yep. Because the best part about being kind is that it takes less energy than being a jerk! And I don’t know about you, but I could use that extra energy each and every day.

For simplicity, let’s keep three questions top of mind as we go about our day:

What am I asking of the people around me? Does it match what I ask of myself?

Would it make a difference in the world today if I showed up with kindness?

Have a super Sunday everyone!
