One year ago today, I started posting fitness videos online. The videos began as a way to build tools for my clients, in the event they needed a quick review of an exercise I prescribed for homework. I knew eventually there would be negative comments from strangers. Sadly, we see this every day on the social media, TV and magazines.
FullSizeRender 2 The simple truth is: hurting people hurt people and if you put yourself in the public eye, they’re going to find you. I feel certain the majority of people are good, we are all doing the best we can and feeding the hate-cycle is the worst thing I could do for the world.

Last night a moment I wasn’t prepared for arrived. A friend of a friend approached me, skipped the “how are you” and from across the table inquired, “Where did you get that disgusting picture of yourself?” (Picture video in question below) I shrank. I felt it all over – my shoulders caving in, heart rate rising and fists clenching. A thousand little chubby girl images flashed in my head. “Well…it’s from a few years ago…” was all I could come up with. It didn’t stop. “That’s not even you! It’s horrible! Just hideous!” he exclaimed. I tried to sit up a little taller as my closest friends at the table squirmed in their chairs. “Actually that is me. And I don’t think it’s horrible” I muttered, barley audible, under my breath and turned to talk to the friend next to me, loudly changing the subject. While the next comment was, “I mean, look at you now! You look fantastic.” It felt like putting frosting on a shit cake.

My friends might tell you there was alcohol involved or he meant it as a compliment. Mmmmk, no hard feelings and my logical self knows those comments weren’t really about me.

As I fell asleep last night, I remembered the last line in the post that inspired these comments. For those of you who saw my Tool of the Day: Before & After Photo video, I hope you read that last line: “Let’s love ourselves in all phases, k?” I AM SERIOUS. You are not disgusting if you’re overweight. You are not horrible. You are human! You are amazing! You are alive! You are what’s in your heart! You are important and worthy and loved and you are not alone. Every minute of every day. It took me YEARS to even consider posting that picture. I’m strong enough now to handle the slingshots. I’m allowed to be hurt by it and I’m strong enough to know who I am. I was never disgusting. I treated people with care and kindness then, just like I do now.

If you’re with me, stay here. Keep reading. Let’s hug and lift and giggle our little hearts out. If you think overweight people are “horrible” and “disgusting” I welcome you, even send you off with a hug, but please delete me and move on. xoxo

Watch my Before & After video: Tool of the Day: Before & After

Have you ever seen this Blogilates video? I love Cassy Ho and she’s handling internet haters like a boss!