First, stop everything, take a deep breath into your belly and ask yourself: am I living the adventures I always wanted? I hope the answer is a resounding YES. If not, keep reading, the following three tips are meant for you, boo!

TIP 1: Make It Real By Writing It Down!


When was the last time you sat down and made a list of all the things you want to do in this lifetime? We get an average of 28,000 days to live. If you’re looking for a shock to your system, do the math on how many of those you have left. Dreams become real when we start writing them down, making them actionable and connecting with them daily. H
One of my clients, Lynn, loves Torrey Pines. Her dreams include all kinds of travel adventures including more trips to these epic trails. Fun fact: I’m forever in her debt; she encouraged me to go and it was one of my top five days OF MY LIFE hiking the Torrey Pines trails! When Lynn and I first met to begin her Personal Training journey, she wrote down hiking as one of her goals! Here’s how training helped Lynn achieve her adventure dream and it all started by writing it down!
Wow! Katie Hunt! She’s fantastic! I’ve been taking her circuit and TRX classes at Invivo for almost two years. They’re always fun, creative, and effective. Her intelligence and sensitivity make her stand out among other fitness instructors I’ve had. About six months ago, I hired her for weekly personal training. It was money well-spent. The knee pain I’d been experiencing subsided. The workouts were varied and fun. I bought her online training program for when I was out of town for several months which she adapted for my needs. Her creativity and positive attitude keep me motivated to keep up my workouts and stay healthy overall. I highly recommend her to anyone.
~Lynn T

TIP 2: Think of Possibilities, Not Limits


When you think of your #dreamlife do you ever find yourself stuck in limitations? I have! Only in the past couple of years have I had my eyes open to how the stories I telly myself were limiting me! how often do you say:

I don’t have time.

I can’t afford it.

_______will never let me _______.

If it were a matter of life and death, would you figure out how to find $1,000…or a week off…or a personal day? We both know you would. I understand this is a hard pill to swallow and we all have some limiting beliefs to work on. Last year, around this time, I found myself completely miserable. I was doing work that drained my energy for an embarrassing salary. For months I told myself I NEEDED that income to stay afloat. The day I woke up and changed my story to: THERE ARE A MILLION OTHER WAYS TO MAKE MONEY, my whole life changed. Here I sit, no longer working that job, with the sun on my face and more Personal Training & 90 Day Challenge clients than I’ve ever had. 100% because I changed my freakin’ story from limitations to possibilities.

TIP 3: What is the Very Next Step?


If this seems too big right now, or too woo woo, here’s a golden nugget. Tip three is what I believe to be the secret to to a happy life. After you’ve written down your dreams, pick one. Pick the one that’s tugging on your heart. Don’t think about it, FEEL it. Circle it. Next, write down the very next small step that will move you towards it. It could be as simple as Googling Costa Rica surf trip (one of mine!) and creating a list of your top three picks. It could be calling a friend to tell them about your dream. It could be hiring a Personal Trainer to get you fit enough to go on your hiking trip, like another one of my clients! Check out this happy face!!!!

This is a happy hiker. Thanks to your training and support, I made it to the bottom of the Grand Canyon…and back again. Clearly, the tweak in training for the few months previous to the hike had a great deal to do with the lack of aching muscles or stressed body parts. No aches or pains in my muscles or joints because you helped me get ready for the 20 plus mile hike. Almost a mile down….and that meant almost 4500 elevation to get out.  The only trouble was the heat…130 degrees at the bottom. And in this picture, you can see the rim which I achieved in two segments…camping at Indian Gardens campground on the way out.  It was a once in a lifetime endeavor. You said I could do it.  And, I did!

~one of Katie’s favorites 


Guess what? By reading these three tips, you’re already on the path to your dreams. The only difference between you and the clients featured here is what you do next. Go get ’em tiger. Need accountability? Shout out what you’re next step is in a comment below.

xoxo, Katie

P.S. If you’re ready to claim your dreams and are ready to make someday TODAY, I have ONE online personal training spot available. Grab it here: